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Speak to one of our dedicated administrators

01905 796 682

MON - FRI: 9:30AM - 3:30PM
(excluding public holidays)

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How we've helped new recruit

We wanted to share some of the feedback that we've received from members who have used our service. The following case studies are just some examples of how we have been able to help members get fast access to the treatment they required, allowing them to recover from their illness or injury and return to work as quickly as possible.  

Call centre woman

Become a member

We have worked hard to make it easy for you to join Bluline. There is no medical examination, no awkward questions, and minimal form filling. Use our online price calculator to see exactly how much it will cost.

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Any questions?

If you do have any questions call

01905 796682

MON - FRI: 9:30AM - 3:30PM
(excluding public holidays)

to speak to one of our friendly administrators
or submit your enquiry and we’ll get back to you.

Bluline has always been there at the end of the phone with a kind voice, and much reassurance that I am in safe hands. I have always felt safe with Bluline.

Scheme Member

Staff I have dealt with have, without exception, always been considerate, understanding and helpful

Scheme Member

Having Bluline provides a huge relief to not only yourself but also family at a really anxious time. I have been recommending Bluline to my colleagues and new recruits as everyone thinks it won’t happen to them but I know it can.

Scheme Member