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01905 796 682

MON - FRI: 9:30AM - 3:30PM
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Board members

The healthcare scheme is overseen by a board of directors, made up of serving police officers who are police federation representatives. The directors ensure that the scheme's funds are being used in an equitable fashion and to the benefit of the members. They may also be called on to review claims that fall outside the scheme rules. 

Throughout my whole service, Bluline has given me peace of mind if I ever needed any treatment. It enabled me to deal quickly with medical issues and get back doing the job I loved.

Hannah Rathbone

I know I have to pay my monthly subscription but it has been worth every penny. The support and reassurance Bluline provide is there whenever you need it.

Hannah Rathbone

Staff I have dealt with have, without exception, always been considerate, understanding and helpful

Scheme Member